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Our Mission

Join us in endorsing our reforestation initiative, where we not only ensure the survival of trees but also promote the sustainable development of local communities through a smart philanthropic approach.

Mongolian countryside with snow top mountains

While the act of planting a tree may appear straightforward, the real challenge lies in the subsequent care and maintenance of the tree. In regions like Mongolia, where specialized tree nurseries are limited and the uprooting of forest trees for transplantation is common, the survival rate of newly planted trees drops significantly. In fact, the odds decrease to a mere 20%, implying that only one out of every five trees planted manages to thrive. This unfortunate outcome not only represents a financial investment loss but also places undue pressure on ecological resources.


At Seed of Enlightenment, we recognize that the success of a reforestation project hinges on more than just planting trees. We appreciate the importance of building a robust value network to ensure its long-term sustainability, acknowledging that mere charitable support may not suffice.

Market Creating Philanthropy

Value network for reforestation project

Therefore, a substantial portion of your generous contributions is dedicated to enhancing this value network, encompassing elements such as energy infrastructure, irrigation systems, water harvesting mechanisms, and landscaping. Additionally, we invest in the development of green start-up businesses to bolster the network's resilience and secure the initiative's sustainability through future revenue streams.


​We maintain transparency by keeping our valued contributors informed about our progress and the milestones we have achieved through our newsletters. This ensures that you can take pride in your involvement and maintain a sense of ownership in this initiative, knowing that your contribution is making a meaningful and lasting impact.

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